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Series Times

Have you ever watched three or more episodes of a series in a single day?

If so, you could be listed as a binge-watcher.

However, if you think that that makes you special, sorry, it doesn’t…

You share that experience with 92% of viewers worldwide.

Nowadays, people are watching series more than ever before because programmes are offered in totally new ways. Today, viewers can find, whenever they please, all the available episodes of a story and watch them one after another, after another, after another... almost endlessly

Not having to wait for networks to release their episodes one at a time, once a week, can make the series experience kind of addictive.

What's more, because people spend so much of their time inside the stories, series can become truly vivid for them, and their characters can even feel like family or friends. Another important element which makes series so very popular is the extraordinary variety of the genre. There is a series for everyone; and no matter who you are, when you find your story, you can't help falling in love with it.


How We Feel about Series:

Anna: I watch series because they are a great topic to talk about with my friends and also, because when I'm tired, series are an easy escape from reality. I prefer Sci-Fi shows cause they are captivating and they fill me with adrenaline, specially at night, because they are a little bit scary.

Lucas: I like action TV series because they are really exciting and, sometimes, they can feel very real; plus they help me take a break from my day. I enjoy watching the shows with my family and then talking about them together.

Nico: I love Sci-Fi series, specially: Flash. I connect with the hero's integrity and sense of honour. Watching series I have discovered a love for science and I have improved my school marks a lot! It's COOL!

Belu: Series make me feel as if I were in another world... in a different life with lots of different people. I enjoy fantasy and mystery shows, such as Stranger Things and Sherlock.

Petras: I enjoy series because they make me relax; when I watch a show and something good happens I feel happy, that's great. I like Science Fiction, especially about UFOs and aliens.

Why We Wrote about Series:

We decided to make our English project on Series because it is an interest we all share; we always talk about them before entering the class, and that has helped us become closer as a group.

luca fedi - nicolás sahade - belén sabatino - petras karpavicius - anna peirú

teacher: mariana zinna

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